Training guide for advanced high-specialized intervention in oncogenetics
HOPE project will develop a training guide for advanced high-specialized intervention in oncogenetics. The course will involve 2 modules:
Module I
General objectives: to acquire new advanced knowledge and the necessary skills for physicians and the other members of the multidisciplinary team through accelerated and high-level training in theoretical & practical clinical, epidemiological & biological oncogenetics.
Specific Objectives:
- to acquire new advanced knowledge and the necessary skills in a first part of the general elements regarding: descriptive epidemiology of cancers and risk factors;
- essential clinical elements found in hereditary cancers;
- elements of human genetics and basic notions in molecular biological diagnosis in monogenic and multifactorial cancers; molecular diagnostics in oncogenetics;
- general aspects regarding the monitoring of hereditary risk in cancer;
- psychological and ethical aspect in hereditary cancer. In the second part, which presents the aspects related to oncogenetics monitoring, the knowledge related to: the structure and organization of an Oncogenetics Department;
- the way and selection criteria of including the patients with hereditary cancer and their family in oncogenic monitoring;
- solutions for the implementation of molecular diagnostic methods for people with hereditary cancer risk and interpretation of the results for a correct clinical decision;
- monitoring of persons at increased risk of hereditary cancer through screening measures;
- rules of good practice in the clinical management of patients with hereditary risk of breast, ovarian and colon cancer as well as those with endocrine tumors or in rare syndromes (like Li Fraumeni);
- knowledge of the methods of surgical prophylaxis and the monitoring of persons confirmed with hereditary risk of cancer through the Personalized Oncogenetic Monitoring Program;
- aspect of psychological counselling and ethical regulations in the activities of the Oncogenics department.
Module II
General Objectives: acquisition of advanced knowledge and professional experience in the field of specialized activities within a department of Oncogenetics.
Specific Objectives:
- based on discussions on concrete cases particular aspects concerning the secretariat activity will be further debated and conclusions drawn;
- activity in the molecular diagnosis;
- the monitoring of cases of cancer and hereditary risk of members of families with genetic mutations;
- communicating the results and methods of communication during the monitoring phase;
- features of the work of counselling;
- resolving ethical issues in various stages of activity of Oncogenetics.